Our application hosting solution allows you  to operate any of your software applications entirely from the cloud. Subscription will be charged on a recurring basis.

Applications are hosted on our remote cloud infrastructure and can be accessed globally from anywhere in the world. Software is updated automatically and data is secure.

With the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model businesses can use their applications as if they were stored locally. CloudRemedy offers to manage all your software applications and data. Data stored in our World Class Australian Data Centres, will be replicated and protected and software will be updated whenever necessary.
We are able to serve a variety of industries, for example medical, accounting and legal ones.

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Private Cloud or Virtual Private Server (VPS)

HandiSoft Software

Hosting your HandiSoft software with Cloud Remedy – HandiCloud means using your familiar software while benefiting from the mobility, flexibility and security of private cloud servers.

Anywhere Anydevice Anytime

Access all your software applications from anywhere, anytime and from any Internet connected device regardless of location.

Lodge returns anywhere anytime

ELS Lodgments are set up within your cloud server to allow you to log in and lodge returns whenever it suits you – even if you are at home, overseas or travelling.

ATO Portal and Lodgment

We can also organise your AUSKey to be installed on your cloud server to allow you to log into the ATO Portal and the Tax Office whenever you need.

Full Support

Support is provided to ensure your cloud server is maintained and functioning as required we take care of the IT allowing you to concentrate on the Accounting.

Backup done for you

Your complete cloud server including all data and applications are backed up every night and kept providing backup history with our 7 year retention policy you will never lose data or a night’s sleep again.

Enterprise level security

Our World Class Data centres are accredited data centres and we use enterprise level firewalls to ensure the ultimate in security.

No lock-in contracts

We provide you service on a month-to-month basis – no contracts, or red tape your data is your data. Pay as you go!

Price List for MS Windows

Price List for Linux